
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

New Ideas for Fossils - 2nd Grade Intervention

Make sure to check out the Books to Teach strategies page.  I've added a new pdf file with pictures from the book Digging up Tyrannasaurus Rex.  I thought they would be useful in teaching the learning targets:

I can show how pictures and images help explain a text.

I can sequence a group of historical events, scientific concepts, or technical procedures from a nonfiction text.

I can recognize and use text features to find facts and information efficiently: graphics, graphs, pictures, captions, tables, table of contents, index, glossary, bold/italics, titles, subtitles, icons, etc.

These pictures would be great to give kids to create their own captions and to sequence the procedures for moving a fossil from where it is found to the museum. 

Holler if you have any questions or to borrow the book.


Friday, February 18, 2011

New Stuff for Nonfiction Study

Hello!  You'll find in the anchor chart section a series of anchor charts, a quiz (to be projected) and a quiz answer sheet for both 2nd and 3rd Grade.  I based 2nd grade's on their fossil study.  3rd grade's is based on a great book about silk, but I can easily change them to match a topic of study you plan to do.  Just let me know.

Also, I'll be adding some ideas for teaching plot and charater study ideas from Beth Newingham.  Such great stuff!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Fluency Instruction - Moving Beyond Fast

Danielle Mahoney is one of Scholastic's teachers who blog ideas to share.  She has a great two part blog on fluency.  I was really impressed with the "freshness" of the ideas for moving kids beyond just fast.  Even though you don't spend a ton of time doing fluency work with the advanced students, I hope you will have a look at these ideas so that you'll know what to watch for as you listen to students read.