
Friday, April 29, 2011

Angela Bunyi Talks About Gifted Students

Angela Bunyi has a great blog on the scholastic site along with Beth Newingham.  This last month she did an article on what she's learned about gifted students that I think it so nicely put.  She has attended Confratute which is the Eastern version of Edufest.  Make sure to get your requests in to your principal if you are interested in attending the last week in July this year.  It's a great line up of speakers.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Scientist in the Field Series

As you work toward those nonfiction learning targets with kids, keep your eyes open for great nonfiction books.  I've come across a series that might not be new to you, but I love them.  They are part of  the Scientists in the Field Series.  They not only make scientific problems engaging, they introduce kids to real scientists.  They make the work come alive and give kids a sense of who they could become.  Here's one that I think looks really fascinating...maybe it's because I love honey so much.  :-)

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Nonfiction and Fiction Book Pairs - Free 30 Day ebook Trial

I've just run across a new site (unfortuately for a fee) that pairs up fiction and nonfiction ebooks.  These books (many that you will know and love) are accessible by computer and perfect for projected anchor lessons.  I'm hopeful that the quote won't be outrageous, because I think this might be a great option for teaching our 2nd graders about nonfiction.  In the meantime, there is a 30 day free trial so check it out!