
Monday, October 15, 2012

Middleton School District Gifted and Talented Program Guiding Principles

Over the last few years, we have worked hard to support teachers and gifted and advanced students make academic growth in the Middleton School District.  Our first goal is to support teachers in this endeavor, because they are the primary facilitators of learning for students.  To make the best use of our day in each building, we work to collaborate with teams to coordinate group instruction based on grade level learning targets and assessment data.  Our hope is that this coordinated effort will lead to greater growth and fewer curriculum gaps than the old pull-out model.
Below are the guiding principles for our program.  These goals were developed with district leaders and are aligned with the Middleton School District Strategic Improvement Plan. and approved at the district level.  We are open to questions you might have and look forward to continuing on the journey to see these principles fully realized in Middleton.
Miss Young and Mrs. Eichelberger

Middleton School District Gifted and Talented Program
Guiding Principles

v  Support Classroom Teachers and Build Capacity for Differentiated Instruction
Ø  Support teachers with strategies, curriculum, and other materials to promote differentiated instruction for gifted and advanced students in the regular classroom 
Ø  Collaborate with teacher teams in academic decisions for students that may require different pacing, depth, complexity and/or acceleration.             

v  Utilize RtI Systems and Assessment Data
Ø  Help determine curriculum decisions based upon screening, diagnostic, formalized testing, informal assessments, and progress monitoring data through an integrated school improvement model
Ø  Align gifted and advanced interventions to coordinate with school-wide model and goals when possible to support the whole model
Ø  Provide insight into research-based models and strategies for gifted and advanced students

v  Focus on Student Outcomes and Academic Growth
Ø  Promote partnerships with teachers that utilize data resulting in academic growth for advanced and GT students
Ø  Support lesson planning and coordinating of small group instruction focused on the Common Core State Standards
Ø  Encourage the integration of critical and creative thinking, problem solving and metacognition

v  Advocate for the Needs of Gifted/Advanced Students and Families
Ø  Work with school teams to advocate and advise on the academic, social, and emotional characteristics of gifted, advanced, and twice exceptional students.
Ø  Support the academic needs of families with gifted children through resources and information about upcoming opportunities
Ø  Continue to encourage partnerships between the districts and families focused on student learning and motivation through the Parent Advisory Group