"...one shared goal - greater academic success for the broadest possible student population."

Carol Ann Tomlinson, The Differentiated School

Ideas for Teachers

These are a list of websites and blogs that have given us a ton of great food for thought.

Fluency Work - Moving Beyond Fast

Idioms and Analogies - Website Ideas from Melody
http://www.quia.com/cb/7146.html (analogy jeopardy)http://www.quia.com/mc/66234.html
http://www.vocabulary.co.il/analogies/ (analogies quiz)
(Idioms) prefixes, antonyms, and syllable games for dividing words (idiom quiz) (idioms concentration game)

Syllabication Game from BBC

Ideas for Inferences - Jelena had tried these is class with great success.

Mrs. Meacham's Classroom Snapshots - http://www.jmeacham.com/
Man I want to create SmartBoard ideas like this!

Great ideas for teaching writing - http://www.writingfix.com/Process/Revision.htm
From our neighbors to the south, the Northern Nevada Writing Project.  Great ideas and picture book lessons.

Learning with Mysteries: The Fun Way to Learn in the Classroom.
Mystery Network - http://www.mysterynet.com/learn/
Get short mysteries for print and use.  Expecially good with inference lessons!  See lesson below for ideas.

Beth Newingham's Reading Detectives - Links to her downloadable pages

Helping Readers Make Inferences -
Great PDF document full of ideas.  Jelena used the mystery site above with lessons from this PDF with great results.  Also refers to a Rachel Billmeyer book that Angie has for loan.

Beth Newingham's Third Grade Classroom - http://hill.troy.k12.mi.us/staff/bnewingham/myweb3/

Beth Newingham's Scholastic Blog - http://blogs.scholastic.com/top_teaching/beth_newingham/

Harvey's Home Page - Awesome SmartBoard Stuff - http://www.harveyshomepage.com/Harveys_Homepage/Utilities.html

The 2 Sisters Blog - http://www.the2sisters.com/

Stephanie Harvey's Article on Questioning the Text - http://www2.scholastic.com/browse/article.jsp?id=4111

Developing Mathematical Thinking Newsletters - http://dmt.boisestate.edu/index.php?option=com_docman&Itemid=56

What Harvard Tells Its Freshman about Reading and Studying - http://hcl.harvard.edu/research/guides/lamont_handouts/interrogatingtexts.html

Preparing the Next Generation of STEM Innovators: Identifying and Developing Our Nation's Human Capital, from the National Science Board, May 5, 2010 - http://www.nsf.gov/nsb/publications/2010/nsb1033.pdf